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"Search Results" - 52 item(s) found.
Indicates network articleThis blog post from the Equity in CTE Workgroup, on behalf of the CTE Research Network, discusses strategies for improving equity in CTE research.
July 02, 2020 | Equity in CTE Workgroup, an effort of the CTE Research Network
This Inside IES Research blog post highlights the CTE Research Network's recently released preliminary report of its evaluability assessment, which identified four CTE programs ready for rigorous evaluation.
June 30, 2020 | Corinne Alfeld, Ph.D., Institute of Education Sciences, and Katherine Hughes, Ph.D., American Institutes for Research
Dr. Nancy Hoffman of JFF, which co-leads the CTE Research Network, discusses how the network's research teams are contributing to the evidence base on the effects of CTE on student outcomes.
June 10, 2020 | Nancy Hoffman, Ph.D., Senior Advisor and Cofounder of the Pathways to Prosperity Network, JFF
This final installment in an ongoing series from Advance CTE and the Institute of Education Sciences explores different strategies and opportunities that states can use to establish and fund CTE research partnerships.
May 28, 2020 | Corinne Alfeld, Ph.D., Institute of Education Sciences, and Austin Estes, Advance CTE
The network's New York University research team explores student interest and enrollment in CTE programs in New York City over the last decade in this second installment in a blog series.
April 27, 2020 | James Kemple, Ph.D., New York University, Sean Corcoran, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, John Sludden, Chelsea Farley, and Kayla Stewart, New York University
Drawing on early findings from an ongoing study, the network's New York University research team examines New York City's changing supply of career and technical education programs during the last decade.
April 08, 2020 | Chelsea Farley, James Kemple, Ph.D., John Sludden, Kayla Stewart, New York University, and Sean Corcoran, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University