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"Search Results" - 52 item(s) found.
Indicates network articleIn this Inside IES Research Q&A, Dr. Michael Gottfried discusses his research examining whether participation in STEM CTE courses in high school is related to pursuing and persisting in STEM majors or careers for students with learning disabilities.
February 28, 2022 | Akilah Nelson, National Center for Special Education Research, and Michael Gottfried, University of Pennsylvania
In honor of Black History Month, this Inside IES Research Q&A with network member D. Crystal Byndloss, Ph.D., shares insights from an IES technical working group on how to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into education research.
February 24, 2022 | Q&A with D. Crystal Byndloss, Ph.D., MDRC
In honor of CTE Month, this Inside IES Research blog post showcases recent additions to the growing CTE portfolio in the National Center for Education Research (NCER) at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES).
February 18, 2022 | Inside IES Research Blog, Institute of Education Sciences
This report from our network lead team presents findings from interviews with 22 CTE programs about their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, including challenges and lessons learned, innovations developed, and implications for CTE researchers to consider when studying the period.
October 07, 2021 | Tara Smith, JFF
CTE 1.0
Our Network’s Ongoing Commitment to Equity-Centered Research in Career and Technical Education Two members of the Equity in CTE Workgroup, an effort of the CTE Research Network, discuss how the research teams in our network are addressing equity in their research and practices. The post is the second in a series exploring equity in CTE research.
October 07, 2021 | John Sludden and Samuel J. Kamin, Equity in CTE Workgroup, an effort of the CTE Research Network
This Inside IES Research blog post highlights the expanding CTE portfolio in the National Center for Education Research (NCER) at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), including two new grants funded in 2021 along with new resources and reports on the CTE Research Network website.
July 09, 2021 | Corinne Alfeld, Ph.D., Institute of Education Sciences