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The CTE Research Network 2.0 will build on the resources created and collected by the CTE Research Network 1.0. Select the 'Network 1.0 Studies' box in the left menu to see products from the Network 1.0 projects.
CTE 1.0
Opportunities for Innovation in Research with Perkins V
Dr. Katherine Hughes, the CTE Research Network’s director and principal investigator, discusses how new practices under Perkins V may lend themselves to research, in this article reprinted from ACTE’s Techniques magazine.
CTE 1.0
News from the CTE Research Network: What Are We Learning About the Impact of CTE for Students?
Dr. Katherine Hughes, the CTE Research Network’s director and principal investigator, discusses the network's six studies and what the research teams have learned so far. This article is reprinted with permission from ACTE’s April 2022 issue of Techniques magazine.
Addressing the Obligation Gap: Career and Technical Education in a Remote Learning Environment
This journal article in the International Forum of Teaching and Studies focuses on the current learning environment in career and technical education (CTE) programs often offered in community colleges and how these programs have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Career and Technical Education: Perspectives on Program Strategies and Challenges
This U.S. House of Representatives Committee report examines three CTE issues: (1) strategies that selected recipients of federal CTE funds have used to support their CTE programs and assist different stakeholder populations; (2) challenges that CTE stakeholders face and how they are addressing them; and (3) how the U.S. Department of Education supports CTE programs.
To Strengthen Work-Based-Learning, Colleges Must Commit to Internship Supports
Student access to internships is another post-COVID casualty. This blog post highlights findings from a Fall 2021 JFF study that explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on technology internships and expanded on a prior 3-year JFF study of technology internships.
Technology Internships Prove Flexible, Resilient, and Critical During COVID
This report from JFF, a partner in our network, details how one community college creatively preserved and strengthened its technology internships during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Females in Career and Technical Education
This article from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is the second in a series focused on analyzing the outcomes of Minnesota students who take CTE courses while in high school. The article documents the gender divide in CTE course participation as well as post-high school educational and labor market outcomes of female students and discusses the potential implications of these findings for gender pay gaps. Disadvantaged females taking a concentrated set of CTE courses in one specific field achieved better earnings relative to other students seven years after high school.
Condition of Career Readiness in the United States
The Coalition for Career Development Center (CCD Center) recently released their first report highlighting findings and recommendations to help business and industry, federal and state agencies, elected officials, and national organizations reflect on which investments and resources are needed to support the future economic competitiveness of our nation. This blog post outlines the report's key findings related to career readiness policies, investments, and outcomes.
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