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The CTE Research Network 2.0 will build on the resources created and collected by the CTE Research Network 1.0. Select the 'Network 1.0 Studies' box in the left menu to see products from the Network 1.0 projects.
CTE 1.0
CTE Research Network Convening: Expanding the Evidence Base for Career and Technical Education
The CTE Research Network held a convening on March 20, 2024, to share the latest evidence on the effectiveness of CTE in producing positive outcomes for students. Browse the archived materials from this one-day event, which featured presentations from CTE experts, national CTE leaders, state and district CTE administrators, and U.S. Department of Education officials.
CTE 1.0
P-TECH Grades 9–14 Schools Increase Degree Attainment for Young Men
This infographic highlights key findings from the first rigorous evaluation of the P-TECH Grades 9–14 school model, conducted by a Network research team at MDRC. The study examined the first seven P-TECH Grades 9–14 schools in New York City and provides findings related to impact, implementation, and costs.
CTE 1.0
Career and Technical Education in Comprehensive High Schools: Lessons from New York City
This second report in a series from the Research Alliance for New York City Schools focuses on 51 comprehensive New York City high schools that offer CTE alongside other educational options. The report compares the experiences and outcomes of more than 26,000 students who were assigned to CTE programs in comprehensive high schools with those of similar students who applied to the same programs but were assigned to another option not offering CTE.
CTE 1.0
Building Robust District Work-Based Learning Data Collection Systems
Produced by a cross-Network research team, this report documents promising practices and innovations in six school districts that have gone beyond typical data collection and use for work-based learning. The strategies have value for district and state leaders and provide data for expanding the limited research base on work-based learning.
CTE 1.0
What We Know About the Impact of Career and Technical Education: A Systematic Review of the Research
Despite decades of research, until recently little has been known about the causal effects of career and technical education (CTE) on student outcomes. To address this need, the CTE Research Network conducted a systematic review of the research literature spanning the past 20 years. The results show many positive impacts of CTE on high school student outcomes, providing great news for the field.
An Analytical Framework to Measure Participation in Secondary Career and Technical Education
This journal article proposes a two-pronged analytical framework to better understand student participation in secondary CTE. This framework can serve as a research tool for a more realistic analysis of CTE participation that recognizes that CTE is not a monolithic model offered equally in all schools across the country.
CTE 1.0
Winter 2024 Webinar Series: New Evidence on the Impacts of Secondary Career and Technical Education
This three-part webinar series presents new evidence on the impacts of secondary CTE. Join us as we showcase the latest findings from the CTE Research Network. Don’t miss these free events.
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