Innovation Through Data: Tracking and Measuring Work-Based Learning
Innovation Through Data: Tracking and Measuring Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning (WBL) is a core feature of high-quality career and technical education. Research tying WBL to student outcomes is limited, however, due to the complex and varied nature of WBL experiences and the inherent difficulties in collecting systematic, high-quality data. This article for Techniques presents promising practices and innovations in WBL data collection and use in six school districts. A cross-Network research team selected the districts based on the strength of their WBL data collection systems and procedures, as well as the diverse set of approaches and settings the districts represent.
District leaders can use the examples to drive local WBL implementation. The findings also have implications for state leaders working to add WBL to their longitudinal data systems and accountability models with local policies, practices, and constraints to consider. This article appears in the March 2024 issue of Techniques and has been reprinted with permission.
To learn more, see the full report and related resources.
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About Techniques magazine
The Association for Career and Technical Education, a CTE Research Network Lead partner, publishes Techniques eight times a year. Written for career and technical educators by career and technical educators, each issue of Techniques focuses on leadership, professional development, classroom strategies, emerging trends and research, and innovative techniques for engaging students through CTE and more. The magazine provides CTE practitioners and policyholders with the analysis and objective reporting they need to remain informed. Learn more.