News from the CTE Research Network: What Are We Learning About the Impact of CTE for Students?
News from the CTE Research Network: What Are We Learning About the Impact of CTE for Students?
In this article for Techniques magazine, Katherine Hughes, Ph.D., director and principal investigator of the CTE Research Network, discusses the network's six studies and what we have learned so far. These studies examine a range of CTE models, including the Connecticut Technical High School System; P-TECH STEM-focused schools where students can earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree; North Carolina's CTE dual enrollment program; the multitude of CTE offerings in the New York City school district; two types of technology-based advising tools; and the Virtual Enterprises program in use in more than 400 schools across the country. Findings thus far from the first three of these studies show positive impacts—on high school milestones, high school graduation, enrollment in postsecondary institutions, and post-high school earnings. This article originally appeared in the April 2022 issue of Techniques and has been reprinted with permission.
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About Techniques magazine
The Association for Career and Technical Education, a CTE Research Network Lead partner, publishes Techniques eight times a year. Written for career and technical educators by career and technical educators, each issue of Techniques focuses on leadership, professional development, classroom strategies, emerging trends and research, and innovative techniques for engaging students through CTE and more. The magazine provides CTE practitioners and policyholders with the analysis and objective reporting they need to remain informed. Learn more.