CTE Research Review: Exploring the Impact of the P-TECH Model on College and Career Readiness Outcomes in New York City

CTE Research Review: Exploring the Impact of the P-TECH Model on College and Career Readiness Outcomes in New York City

In this Q&A blog post, Amy Hodge, a policy associate at Advance CTE, speaks with Network researcher Rachel Rosen, a senior associate at MDRC, about her team's study exploring the impact of attending New York City's (NYC) P-TECH Grades 9–14 schools on students' college and career readiness. The NYC P-TECH model prepares students for college and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields by enabling learners to gain relevant work-based learning experiences and earn both a high school diploma and an applied associate degree within a six-year timeframe.

This blog post is the second in a Q&A series featuring interviews with three of our Network researchers to highlight new and relevant CTE research and how state CTE leaders might leverage the findings to make evidence-based decisions. Advance CTE is producing the series in partnership with the CTE Research Network.

See also the first and third blog posts in the series.

Advance CTE and the CTE Research Network