Sometimes Less, Sometimes More: Trends in Career and Technical Education Participation for Students With Disabilities
Sometimes Less, Sometimes More: Trends in Career and Technical Education Participation for Students With Disabilities
This CALDER working paper highlights a study that examined trends in career and technical education (CTE) participation for students with disabilities. The study looked at the average number of CTE credits taken over time and variations in those trends across CTE occupational areas for three groups of high school students: (1) those with learning disabilities, (2) those with other disabilities, (3) and those without disabilities.
A new peer-reviewed version of this paper is available in Educational Researcher, Vol. 51, Issue 1 (January/February 2022).
CALDER, the National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research
Roddy Theobald, Jay Plasman, Michael Gottfried, Trevor Gratz, Kristian Holden, and Dan Goldhaber
Publication Date:
August 2019
Resource Type:
Report/Working Paper
Intended Audience:
Related Study:
Equity in CTE Research