Bridging the School-to-Work Divide: Interim Implementation and Impact Findings from New York City’s P-TECH 9-14 Schools
This report from the network's research team at MDRC presents interim results from their causal study of New York City's P-TECH Grades 9–14 schools. These schools partner with local colleges and employers to provide students with a seamless pathway for earning a high school diploma as well as an associate’s degree in six years. P-TECH 9–14 schools emphasize educating students through work-based learning experiences, such as internships, mentoring, and job shadowing.
The interim study findings show that attending a P-TECH 9–14 school leads to an increase in the number of high school course credits that students earn and an increase in students' scores on English Language Arts Regents exams. These interim results suggest that attending P-TECH 9–14 schools helps students get on track to achieve educational goals such as high school graduation.
An executive summary of the report is also available.