CTE Dual Enrollment Pathways in North Carolina Improve High School and College Outcomes
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In North Carolina, eligible high school students can earn credentials and college credits tuition-free from state colleges and universities through Career & College Promise, a statewide dual enrollment program. Three pathways are available, including a career and technical education (CTE) pathway.
This infographic highlights key findings from a study of North Carolina students in Grade 11 or 12 who participated in Career & College Promise over seven years. Led by a team at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, the study found positive effects for students in the CTE dual enrollment pathway, particularly for groups historically underrepresented in postsecondary education. On average, CTE dual enrollment pathway students did better on key indicators of the transition from high school to college than similar students who did not take dual enrollment courses. In particular, CTE dual enrollment students were more likely to earn certificates and associate degrees, with the largest impact on credential attainment for male students and students who are economically disadvantaged.
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